04 Jun 2019

Speech by Dr Eric Kuan, MDIS - Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics Graduation CeremonySpeeches

Good Afternoon,

Professor Shao Qing Xiang, Principal, Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics;

Professor Huang Chun Lin, Vice Principal, Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics; 

Distinguished guests;

Graduands and their families and friends; 

Ladies and Gentlemen, 





Opening Statement
1.    Thank you for your presence to witness the 7th MDIS - Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics graduation ceremony.  Today’s ceremony marks the beginning of a new chapter in the life for our 85 promising graduands. To all our graduands, I congratulate you on your great academic achievements! Take pride in the hard work, perseverance, and determination that have earned you a place in this coveted graduation ceremony.

感谢您今日的莅临,与我一同见证第七届新加坡发展管理学院与浙江经济职业技术学院的毕业典礼。今天的毕业典礼, 将在我们即将毕业的85位毕业生未来的人生中创造崭新的一页。我衷心地祝贺你们通过自己的不懈努力圆满地完成了学业。

2.    Today, we also applaud all who have supported you throughout your academic journey. To the loved ones, friends, and lecturers of our graduands, may I take this opportunity to thank and congratulate you. This moment of pride belongs to you as well!

今天, 我们也诚挚的感谢, 所有自始至终, 一直在学习的旅程中支持着你们的所有亲朋好友们。借此机会,我也要感谢以及祝贺所有毕业生的亲朋好友们以及师长们. 此刻的荣耀也是属于你们的!

MDIS-ZJTIE Partnership
3.    MDIS’ partnership with Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics spans more than 10 successful years, during which, we have graduated more than 600 promising men and women. Today, our graduands will join the ranks of these alumni in making their mark on the world. Through a rigorous and well-founded programme backed by the combined excellent academic standards of MDIS and Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics, our graduands are well-placed on the path to career success.

在过去的十年,新加坡管理发展学院与浙江经济职业技术学院建立了长期良好的合作关系。至今为止,我们的酒店管理和国际贸易专业共录取了超过600位优秀学生。通过两校合作的卓越学术标准要求,严格与扎实的课程设计, 使我们的毕业生已具备了通往事业成功的条件与能力。

4.    MDIS’ partnership with Zhejiang Technical Institute of Economics also reflects our strong regional focus on education. With campuses in Singapore, Uzbekistan, and Malaysia, MDIS is a proud advocate of the Singapore Brand of education to our friends in the region. Coupled with a dedication to pedagogy development and collaboration with established UK universities, MDIS will successfully continue to maintain a strong education leadership position within the region’s private education industry.

新加坡发展管理学院与浙江经济职业技术学院的合作也反映了我们在针对区域性的教育发展上的坚强实力。从校区的分部包括新加坡, 乌兹别克斯坦,以及马来西亚, 新加坡管理发展学院以提倡分享新加坡教育的荣耀。同时, 新加坡发展管理学院也与几所闻名的英国大学合作,一同致力于教育的发展. 继续维持与各地区的私立教育机构的领导优势。

Employment opportunities in the region
5.    For our graduands, it is truly an exciting time to be entering the workforce. Use your globally recognised qualification to your advantage. Set your sights far ahead of you – be it in local shores, or foreign lands. MDIS has not only equipped you with industry knowledge and skills, but also shaped your development holistically. Through activities such as summer camps and cultural exchanges, you have acquired soft skills such as communication, adaptability, teamwork, and leadership which will help you to succeed in the global workforce. The qualification that you are receiving today is indeed a golden key that will bolster your career success.
此时,踏入职场将会是一个令人振奋的时刻。在这个前提下,全球认可的学历将成为你们的一个优势。放宽你的眼界, 努力把握国内或是国外的机会。两校不仅提供专业学术课程,还开设了丰富多彩的夏令营和文化交流活动,促进学生全面发展。获得沟通技巧, 适应, 团队合作以及领导能力将帮助你们在全球化的工作环境里获得成功。

Closing Remarks
6.    In closing, may I once again congratulate all of you, dear graduands, and wish you success in your future endeavours!

7.    Thank you.