Compliance with Private Education Act & EduTrust Certification Scheme
With the revision of the Private Education Act in December 2011, the Committee for Private Education (CPE), part of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will regulate the private education sector in Singapore. All Private Education Institutions (PEIs) are required to comply with the regulations under the new Act in order to operate.
From 1st October 2024, CPE was dissolved and SSG will directly exercise its functions and powers under the Private Education Act 2009 and subsidiary legislations.
Standard PEI - Student Contract
The Standard PEI - Student Contract is a legal binding contract between MDIS Pte Ltd and its students that embodies the following mandatory requirements:
- Clear definition of the course details - course title, pre-requisites, qualification awarded, course duration
- Full disclosure of all costs for tuition and non-tuition fees
- Commitment to the Fee Protection Scheme
- Clear definition of dispute resolution mechanisms
- Clear definition of the refund policy
All students are required to sign the Standard PEI - Student Contract upon enrolment before making any course fees payment.
Fee Protection Scheme
Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) is a pre-requisite that PEIs have to meet in order to apply for EduTrust certification.
FPS serves to protect the international and local students in the event that a PEI is unable to continue operating due to insolvency, and/or closure, as well as if a PEI is unable to pay a judgement sum due to a student.
MDIS Pte Ltd has appointed Liberty Insurance to be the FPS providers for our students. The insurance coverage will be for the entire course fee and any course fees arising from an extension of the study period longer than the initially planned study period (if applicable).
MDIS Pte Ltd FPS Insurance Certificate
Medical Insurance
MDIS Pte Ltd has in place a group medical insurance scheme by EQ Insurance Company Ltd under Policy Number DHSGHQ24-000010 for all its students (except those students specifically allowed to opt-out under the EduTrust certification scheme). The fee payable for medical insurance is indicated in the fee schedule of the student contract.
This medical insurance scheme shall provide a basic annual coverage up to $20,000 per student in the 4 bedded ward in Singapore government and restructured hospitals and up to an overall maximum limit per policy year with 24 hours coverage in Singapore.
For more information on the Private Education Act, please log on to the following website:
Insurance Claim
The insurance claim procedure can be found in the EQ Insurance Company Ltd website. Click here.