MDIS School of Health and Nursing - A Private School in Singapore

The School of Health and Nursing is dedicated to the training and education of nurses who are pursuing their post-registration degrees as well as healthcare professionals. In partnership with Edinburgh Napier University (UK), the nursing school will deliver the Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up) post-registration degree in Singapore. The nursing school was founded to equip students with the latest knowledge and skills in nursing so as to allow graduates to conduct their profession at the highest levels of competencies in Singapore.

In the context of life expectancies and prominence of lifestyle diseases (e.g. diabetes and obesity), nursing and healthcare are set to play increasingly important roles. Set against the backdrop of an ageing population, Singapore's healthcare landscape will inherit the standard challenges and pose a few that would be specific to a predominantly geriatric population. This signals the continued and increasing need for nursing school graduates and other healthcare professionals in Singapore.

In addition to the Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up) post-registration degree, the health and nursing school of MDIS has also recently launched the Master of Science Healthcare Management and Master of Public Health degrees offered by Northumbria University (UK), Bachelor of Science (Hons) Healthcare Management (Top-up) by Teesside University (UK) and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nutrition Science by University of Roehampton (UK) to address the demand for skilled healthcare professionals in Singapore.

Study Full/Part-time Courses at the MDIS School of Health and Nursing (SHN) in Singapore

The School of Health and Nursing is a testament to MDIS’ mission in providing globally recognised and competency-based programmes within the healthcare domain. The nursing school will function in the role of training nurses and healthcare professionals – enabling them to further contribute meaningfully in the healthcare arena in Singapore. We have passionate and dedicated teams of both international lecturers and local tutors as faculty who will mentor and impart both knowledge and expertise. In support of that, we provide a conducive learning environment that includes hands-on learning and practicum in dedicated classrooms, lecture theatres and in-house customised nursing equipment.

Join SHN Today – Health & Nursing Education in Singapore

Our nursing school also adopts a holistic approach to learning and places utmost importance in the nurturing and development of students in Singapore. We place equal emphasis on student learning outcomes, mentorship and the overall learning process. The exchange of ideas through symposia and conferences as well as industrial and clinical visits are also encouraged among nursing school students here in Singapore. These philosophies are in alignment with Edinburgh Napier University (UK) and we are proud to work together with them in delivering the Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up) Degree. This post-registration programme offered in our nursing school is accredited by the Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) and will be a good accolade to advance your nursing career in Singapore.

Join MDIS today – Upskill Your Health and Nursing Career in Singapore

To support the growing demand for trained healthcare professionals, MDIS School of Health and Nursing is leading the way by introducing new healthcare programmes. These programmes are designed for experienced practitioners and professionals interested in areas of healthcare, focusing on healthcare management, public health, and nutrition to upgrade their skills, and enhance employability prospects. For those with an interest in Nutrition, the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Nutrition Science will provide a foundation in human nutrition, physiology, metabolism and identify strategies that improve diet and health. Students will develop research skills so that they may conduct their own research project into a nutrition issue of their choice in their final year. MDIS is the first private school in Singapore to offer the Nutrition Science degree. For healthcare and management, it is rapidly becoming impossible to divide it from research and a global mindset in order to provide effective healthcare. In addition to developing leadership and management skills, the Master of Science Healthcare Management and Bachelor of Science (Hons) Healthcare Management (Top-up) degrees will equip students with relevant research skills needed to utilise and evaluate research for evidence-based practice.

Dedicated Nursing Practicum Lab

Clinical education is a fundamental component in the nursing curriculum. Critical hospital environment settings and changes in clinical placements have reduced students’ direct experience with patient care. Issues such as patient safety and ethical considerations are problems raised by the hospital management during students’ clinical placements in hospitals. Alternatively, simulation-based nursing training is a popular pedagogical approach. Students studying at MDIS will be able to put theory into practice in our state-of-the art Simulation and Clinical Skills lab. Taught by nursing professionals from Edinburgh Napier University, nursing students will be competent in demonstrating their communication and problem solving skills, professional values, nursing practice, decision-making, leadership, management and team-working abilities without compromising the patient’s well-being.

Programme Pathway

Programme Pathway

List of Programmes

At the School of Health and Nursing, we have a diverse range of courses to suit your needs, from Diplomas to a Master's degree.

The School of Health & Nursing Experience

MDIS Nursing students posing during their graduation ceremony.
MDIS Nursing graduates pose for a picture.
MDIS Nursing students practice their knowledge in the nursing lab.
An MDIS Nursing student practicing her skills on a dummy patient.
MDIS nursing students observe the condition of a dummy patient.
MDIS nursing students walking in the hallway.

Read about the experiences of both local and international students at MDIS.

"My experience in the nursing programme has widened my critical thinking skills and solving problems between nurses and patients. It also helped me to brainstorm more effectively on how to provide efficient interventions for my patients as a nurse. Nursing is the key to unlock our holistic care for our patients.”

MDIS Alumnus
Class of 2020
Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-Up)

“MDIS was highly recommended by my friends and colleagues. I’m glad I chose MDIS as the lecturers are approachable, friendly and were very patient. The Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up) has equipped me with knowledge and skills that allowed me to explore several leadership opportunities at my workplace. This has led to me being selected as the chairperson for my ward to look into issues pertaining to workflow, environmental safety, and the welfare of staff and inpatients.”  

Choy Kwok Fu 
MDIS Alumnus 
Class of 2020 
Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up)

“I have picked up some valuable lessons from this programme. My lecturers have opened my eyes to potential alternatives in critical thinking and treatment options when caring for my patients. As I develop and implement nursing care plans for patients in the inpatient ward, the knowledge and skills I have gained have proved helpful in ensuring that all my patients’ needs are met.”  

Julia Law 
MDIS Alumna 
Class of 2022 
Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-Up)

“I chose to pursue the Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up) at MDIS because of its assignment-based learning and how the lecturers enable students to approach current issues surrounding healthcare management through an innovative lens. This has compelled me to maintain a critical way of thinking, which strengthens my problem-solving capabilities and management skills.” 

Rajajothi Nadarajah  
MDIS Alumna  
Class of 2020  
Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up)

“I believe that the demand for nurses will continue to increase and I am thankful that this programme has equipped me with the knowledge and expertise to coach and guide others. It has also given me the chance to broaden my mind by learning and exchanging ideas with my lecturers.” 

Wang Jinhao  
MDIS Alumnus  
Class of 2020  
Bachelor of Science Nursing (Top-up)

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+65 6247 9111

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