How do I register as a Contributor?
Click on “BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR” at the top right of the webpage. Read through the guidelines carefully before proceeding. Next, click on “Register” at the end of the page. Fill in the fields and click “Register”. Your Password must contain at least 8 characters and contain at least one lowercase letter, one capital letter and one number. We’ll send you an email upon registration. Alternatively, please register here.
How do I log in?
Click on “BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR” at the top right of the webpage. Next, click on “Login” and fill in your username/email and password. Alternatively, please log in here.
What if I forget my username?
Please try accessing the account via your registered email address. If not, please contact us at to retrieve your account.
What if I forget my password?
Click on “BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR” at the top right of the webpage. Next, click on “Login”. Then, click on “Forgot your password?” below the login box. Enter your username or email to reset password. You should receive an email within the next 10 minutes with instructions on how to reset your password. Alternatively, please reset your password here.
How do I change/reset password?
Click on “BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR” at the top right of the webpage. Next, click on “Login”. Then, click on “Forgot your password?” below the login box. Enter your username or email to reset password. You should receive an email within the next 10 minutes with instructions on how to reset your password. Alternatively, please reset your password here.
How do I update my profile?
Click on your username at the top right of the webpage. Next, click on “Edit My Profile” from the drop down. You will be able to edit your Cover Image (1000px by 370px), Profile Image (500px by 500px), First Name, Last Name, Profile Description and Social Network links on this page. Please take note of the maximum upload size.
Alternatively, click on the username in any of your posts to be directed to your Profile page. Next, click on the gear icon to edit your Profile.
Please note that any use of discriminatory and foul language or any use of offensive and explicit images within the Profile page will result in an account ban.
How do I delete my account?
Please contact us at if you wish to delete your account.
What should be the length of my blog post?
Your content should be more than 500 words, but no more than 2,000 words. And don’t forget, Content quality is highly important for a successful post.
Can I use images in my post?
Make sure there are no copyrighted images and that you have sufficient permission to use them on your post.
Am I allowed to reuse content?
Please refrain from reusing or duplicating any content, unless you have the permission of the content owner. Check if there are any restrictions regarding the content you contribute.
How do I create a post?
Log in to your account. Click on “+ New” at the top left of the webpage. Next, click on “Post” from the drop down. Make sure to include the following in your post:
- Post Title
- Post Content
- Post Categories
- Tags
- Featured Image
Use “Preview” button (top right) to see how your post would look on the front page before submission. Click on “Save Draft” if you would like continue on the post later. Once you’re done, please click “Submit for Review”.
All posts will be subjected to Moderator’s approval within 5 working days, or otherwise stated.
Please note that no further changes can be made by guest blogger’s account once posts are submitted and published. Please write in to if further changes are required. Post might be taken down and will be subjected to approval again. Please proofread and make all changes prior to submission as much as possible.
What is a featured image?
Featured images (also sometimes called Post Thumbnails) are images that represent an individual Post. These are the images you see on homepage before user clicks into the post. Do note that featured images will also appear as the first image in your post.
What is a tag and how do I use them?
Every post can be filed under one or more Tags. This aids in navigation and allows posts and to be grouped with others of similar content. Create new tags by typing them into the “Tags” box and click “Add”. You can choose from tags created by other bloggers/administrators as well by clicking “Choose from the most used tags”. Separate tags by adding commas to your tags.
How do I add more images to my post?
Click on “Add media”. Next, click on “Upload Files”. Drag your image files into the window or click on “Select Files” to upload. You can upload more than one file at one go, but please note the maximum upload size per file is 8mb. Use the “ATTACHMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS” on the bottom right of the window to add a link or to resize the image. Click “Insert into post” and you should see the image in the post editor.
Click on the image in the post editor if you wish to edit/add a link or resize the image again. Click on “ADVANCED OPTIONS” and check “Open link in a new tab” if you wish to have the link opened in a new tab.
How do I create an image gallery?
If you have more than one image and would like to display them as a Gallery, click on “Add media” and select “Create Gallery” from the pop-up window. Upload the images as per instruction above or select them from the Media Library. Next, click on “Create a new gallery” and fill in the caption for the images. Select Gallery style – “Slideshow” or “Thumbnail Grid”, and image size from the “GALLERY SETTINGS”. Then, click on “Insert gallery” and you should see the gallery in the post editor.
Click on the gallery in the post editor if you wish to add or remove photos, edit the gallery type or captions.
Can I add a video to my post?
Yes, you can upload a video via “Add media” but please keep the video size under 8mb. Alternatively, we recommend bloggers to use videos from YouTube/Vimeo. Copy the video link e.g. from the video host, click on “Add media”, select “Insert from URL” and paste the link in. Wait for the video thumbnail to appear and click “Insert into post”.
Alternatively, you can use the post editor to embed videos in.
How do I change text colour?
Click on Toolbar Toggle . Highlight the text and click on Text Colours
to change colour. Click on “Custom” if you would like to colour pick or use web colours hex code.
How do I add a link to my post content?
Highlight the link text and click on Insert/edit link . Paste in the URL and click on the blue “Apply” arrow button. To remove a link, highlight the link text and click on Remove link
How do I add a category to my post?
In order to have the category displayed on your post, you will need to navigate to “Categories” (on the right side of the page) and click the checkbox next to it in order to place the post you are editing in that category. Please check only one category that best describes your post. Incorrect category used will delay the approval of the post.
How do I edit my post?
You can only edit the post before it gets published by the Moderators.
Click on “MDIS” on top left of the webpage. Next, click on “Dashboard” from the drop down. Then, click on “Posts” from the left sidebar. Navigate to the post you wish to edit and click on “Edit” (Hover over the post title and you should be able to see the edit option).
Please note that no further changes can be made by guest blogger’s account once posts are submitted and published. Please write in to if further changes are required. Post might be taken down and will be subjected to approval again. Please proofread and make all changes prior to submission as much as possible.
How do I delete my post?
Please write in to if you wish to delete a post.
Why is my post rejected?
There could be a number of reasons why your post is rejected. Please check our guidelines for more information. Below are some of the common reasons for rejected posts:
- Title of the blog post is unclear
- Length of the article is outside limit
- Duplicated content
- Article adds little value and insight to the topic at hand
- Grammar and spelling mistakes
- Links irrelevant to article
- Self promotion
- Wrong blog format
- Copyright infringement
- Incomplete articles
- Use of foul and discriminatory language
- Use of offensive and explicit images
Please contact us at if you have any other questions.