Enhance your language learning experience at MDIS!
Learning a new language is not only about a new code for any concept but learning new cultures and concepts. It is about gaining a new perspective and understanding of the world around us. In today’s world, computer technology has played a significant role in helping us achieve this.
It is true that there are different strokes for different folks. Every learner receives information from a common source but processes information differently. For every learner, the purpose of learning may differ significantly. Innovative products such as digital multimedia control, wireless headsets and microphones, the interactive response pad, etc. are therefore very useful for students learning a language for communication. These interactive tools are designed to enhance not only language teaching but also classroom grading and distance learning.
Though the installation cost of a language laboratory is very costly, MDIS has invested in such a learning resource for their students’ benefit. MDIS seeks to provide education as well as entertainment, making language teaching more personalised. The Language Lab was installed in the year 2014 with this in mind.
Today, our Language Lab has become an indispensable tool for every English student. Both the trainer and students enjoy the benefit of easy, effective and quick evaluation. Materials and lessons are carefully prepared to suit the different needs of our language students. Language is taught in an easy to grasp manner and web-based learning systems have replicated real-world learning with integrated virtual equivalents of learning.
Our Language Lab is open from Mondays to Fridays from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Teachers run the language lab sessions at every level from Elementary to Advanced levels. Every terminal in our language lab is equipped with a headphone to make listening practice enjoyable and productive. Students may also modulate the speed of speech in the listening tracks to further hone their listening skills. The same sentence can be listened to repeatedly if a student has problems understanding it the first time.
The carefully selected software also indicates correct and incorrect answers. If any answer is incorrect, the learner is given chances to listen to the audio again and correct the answers. It also develops vocabulary by projecting synonyms in various ways. In the way, the learner builds a strong foundation in English.
At MDIS, our learners leverage on the language laboratory for language practice and to further enhance their language learning experience.